Have you ever wondered if welding is a good career for a woman? Well, we got you covered. Welding is a skill-based job that requires precision, excellent eye-hand coordination, and a good eye for...
Category: Welding Tips
If your work includes spending many hours a day at your workshop, then you might be in need of an electronic device such as an Apple watch to keep your company. For the sake of its safety, you might...
How to Weld Cast Iron (Helpful Guide & Best Tips You Need To Know)
Have you ever asked yourself or your friend how to weld cast iron or how to weld cast iron with a stick welder? Well, you are at the perfect place to find the answer to such a question. One of the...
Have you ever wondered what welding testing methods are? Well, we got you covered. The first thing to note is that there are two main types of physical weld testing: destructive and...
If you’ve always dreamed of combining a love of construction with a fascination with the underwater world a career in underwater welding feels like a perfect fit. The demand for underwater welders...
Yes, There Are Female Welders – Percentage In the Welding Industry
More opportunities are opening up for women in the non-traditional work sector. Skilled trades are a bustling industry, and many women are pursuing it. Welding is at the top of this list. It’s one...