Skilled trades, welding included, doesn’t discriminate against gender or physique. With more and more women becoming welders, one question frequently comes up. Can a small woman be a welder?...
There are several factors that can affect the average female welder's salary. These include the location of the job, how challenging it is, the level of experience required to finish it properly, and...
Welding isn’t an easy job. Manual jobs like these are quite demanding. You need a specific skill set to get into the game. If you do it right, it can be highly rewarding. Nevertheless, there’s a...
A career in welding combines technical skills with creative art. Welders can usually get jobs in several industries like construction, maintenance, manufacturing, aerospace, auto repair, ships, in...
The 4 Main Welding Positions You Should Know: Complete Guide
As you probably already know, welding is the process of fusing two or more pieces together with heat. There are many types of welding that we talk about in the Frequently Asked Welding Questions...
You can learn about welding in high school, or even through the internet. But knowing some tricks doesn’t make you particularly gifted. Talented welders have to stack up on experience and...